OK, so here’s how it went..
I did a 14 day glucose monitor.
(Morning of March 25th – Evening of April 7th)
7 days regular lifestyle NO Daily Health System.
7 days regular lifestyle WITH Daily Health System.
– when I say “regular” .. I try my best to live by the 80/20 rule in terms of nutrition. 80% of the time I’m eating well and making good food choices. 20% of the time … I do not .
I took the Daily Health System everyday around 10:30am. 2 Transform with Activate.
I am hypoglycemic and I would ALWAYS wake up in the middle of the night between 2-3am craving sweet things. To the point I would just start keeping chocolate bars in my nightstand. So needless to say I didn’t sleep properly at night nor was there much quality to the sleep I did get. (To be honest I don’t think I’ve slept threw the night since I’ve had my oldest daughter).
Come to find out.. I wasn’t waking up in the middle of the night to eat because I “was a chunky monkey at heart” as I would say.. I was waking up because my blood sugar was crashing so low my body was crying for help! Look at those dips into the red zone!
I felt like I NEEDED my mojo every morning & my mood was often very up and down. I’d get frustrated at the fact that I was getting frustrated because I knew things weren’t supposed to be that complicated.
Since I started the Daily Health System I haven’t woken up once to eat in the middle of the night!! NOT ONCE!! I sleep thru the night most nights now and my sleep quality is next level!!
My mood is great I don’t always feel frustrated or have brain fog. My focus is there.
& although I still enjoy my mojo every morning. I don’t NEED it anymore. I wake up ready for the day. I don’t NEED anything to wake me after I wake up!? It’s the craziest concept!
My kids notices. My husband notices.
And although I didn’t lose any weight because I didn’t have any weight to lose.. I lost inflammation I didn’t even know I had and my muscle tone changed! My body burns fat for fuel differently now!
This Daily Health System has completely transformed and activated my metabolic health.
It truly does it hit all 5 key markers;
Blood Sugar
Blood Pressure
Waist Circumstance
& HDL Cholesterol
I have never felt this good & I will never go without it.”