As a diabetic, I have to calculate the right amount of insulin every time I eat. If I don’t calculate enough, my blood sugars are gonna peak really high. If I take too much, I’m gonna go too low and could possibly go into a coma. The objective is to not kill organs. As a diabetic you want to stay in your safety zone. Friday afternoon, before I started on Transform my blood sugars were all over the place. I had three different types of protein, and a salad. I had no carbs except for the sugar based barbecue sauce on the brisket. Which I did have three slices of brisket. Even after dosing, my blood sugars went to 311.We got the product on Saturday, and I took one before lunch. I went to 198 at lunch and I had even more carbs and more sugar than yesterday’s meal. These are my numbers today! The gray area is the safe zone that my doctor has set up on my machine to try and keep me in range. I’m flatlined today. Completely within the grey zone!! Today, was the first full day that I took Transform. I took it this morning and then this afternoon. thanks everybody for taking your time to listen to my story. God bless you all!