You know when it’s that moment when you see a picture of yourself and your think holy cow how did I get like this? I remember my moment. I stared at the picture over and over. Not necessarily in disgust but a real awakening about how I did not want to look or feel. So bloated. Full. Thick. Lazy. Tired. BLAH….
I realize lots of things easily contribute to letting yourself go! Life can be super hard, kids, work, and more stressors than I could list here in a million years.
It was after spending what seemed like an eternity (looking at myself in the first photo) and wanting to (not only) look better and feel better that I started my Tranont journey. Replenish sleepy tea, Enrich digestive enzymes, Mojo coffee replacement. and Glow liquid collagen. Faithful. Consistent. Making better food choices (mostly) and getting my booty moving.
Tonight I took a picture with a friend and it was another OMG moment when I saw it. Yes, I’m totally cheesing in it () but this time I felt different, much better…Proud.
I’m by no means ready to be a sports-illustrated swimsuit model, but I know for sure that I look AND more importantly feel better because of these products.
Life is about moments of clarity, and then it’s about choices. At least it was for me. Thank you Tranont.