Emma J – Tranont Review

You know when it’s that moment when you see a picture of yourself and your think holy cow how did I get like this? I remember my moment. I stared at the picture over and over. Not necessarily in disgust but a real awakening about how I did not want to look or feel. So bloated. Full. Thick. Lazy. Tired. BLAH….

I realize lots of things easily contribute to letting yourself go! Life can be super hard, kids, work, and more stressors than I could list here in a million years.

It was after spending what seemed like an eternity (looking at myself in the first photo) and wanting to (not only) look better and feel better that I started my Tranont journey. Replenish sleepy tea, Enrich digestive enzymes, Mojo coffee replacement. and Glow liquid collagen. Faithful. Consistent. Making better food choices (mostly) and getting my booty moving.

Tonight I took a picture with a friend and it was another OMG moment when I saw it. Yes, I’m totally cheesing in it (?) but this time I felt different, much better…Proud.

I’m by no means ready to be a sports-illustrated swimsuit model, but I know for sure that I look AND more importantly feel better because of these products.

Life is about moments of clarity, and then it’s about choices. At least it was for me. Thank you Tranont.

before and after photos of women using Tranont products

What do you think?