Soooo I’ve waited the month to give my review on the Glow collagen liquid shots and I’m super bloody happy with the results. My main reason was the pains in my hands I would have paid anything to get rid of it. It was so bad at night they both felt like they had heart beats they were throbbing that much. 4-6 days in I felt a difference and now a month in and they are 90% better ? so completely winning. But then I’ve noticed my skin has so much more of a glow my pores are still visible but don’t think as harsh. ALSO, I no longer have a bald patch. I had like a drive in where you can see the new hair growing. The only DISADVANTAGE is, I got my hair done 2 weeks ago and look at the roots! Lol. I’m absolutely ecstatic. I did try numerous other collagens prior and never saw a change in my hands or skin or hair. I’m over the moon! I’m pain free!