Anyone know someone with this issue?
Optimize will help fight inflammation break down old scar tissue, aid in recovery of injury and strengthen your immune system.
Hello all I just wanted to post some amazing results from using Optimize!
I have had Raynaud’s since I was a teenager, it has gotten worse over the years as I age. When I am in cold or stressful situations my hands lose blood flow and they turn white, cold and become numb.
I have been taking Optimize for three days in the morning because I have woken up with a terrible headache caused from neck pain.
Not only did the Optimize help with my headaches within 20 minutes of taking it. It also  prevented me from having a complete Raynaud attack while walking my dog in the rain today!!!
The first picture is from the last time I had an attack. The other 2 pics are from today after being out in the cold rain for more than one hour! 
Optimize for the win!!!