I never ever EVER thought I would be a believer in natural supplements but here I am RAVING about ours!
I started taking Glow in February, it’s the only collagen I have ever tried and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I had my list of the areas of my body that I wanted it work on, being my skin, my hair, and my joints. But it’s done so much more!
My skin brighter and softer, my hooded eyes are lifting making my eyes brightener. 1st pictures are 3 months apart.
My knees and ankles are able to endure longer distances without pain. I even completed a 37km walk for charity without my knees swelling the next day (magical!) and the only pain I had was in the soles of my feet (pretty normal if you ask me!).
Another thing I noticed was my eyelashes! These pictures were taken 7 weeks apart. I did not take a proper before without mascara so I copied the look in my 2nd image using the exact same 7 week old tube of mascara.
I am not making any medical claims but in week #1 my acid reflux disappeared. It was a daily event, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day for years. Since February I have only had 2 minor episodes
If someone tells you our GLOW Collagen is life changing, BELIEVE THEM!