My grand daughter has attention and hyperactivity issues and is quite oppositional most of the time. Mornings are always a challenge. She doesn’t sleep well, so waking up and being happy about it doesn’t happen often. Recently, I started giving her iced chocolate Mojo and vibe together. Let me just say, seeing this Little Rock star’s brain come alive and happy is a miracle for her!! She is on fire for learning now! Her teacher has even made comments about how involved she is and how happy she is that my girl is showing up and participating! Today, she is in such a good mood! She’s encouraging her brother to drink his mojo. She is actually HAPPY to be reading and practicing her cursive letters! To say that I think these products are literal miracles, in our lives, is an understatement of the century!!*** these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any health concerns. Results may vary by individual. My term of “miracle” is pertaining to our individual and personal experiences. Someone else may not have the same outcome.