Bethany T – Mojo & Suthe Review

Depression???? Take time to read…..

Bethany’s testimony about her struggle with Post-Partum Depression. This is amazing information for friends and family members who have recently had babies.

Bethany’s testimony: “I was on antidÈpressânts for a month for my postpartum (feeling very down)… They didn’t make me feel any better and I started having side effects. I called my doctor 3 times and she never called me back. So I stopped taking them.

I was frustrated, VERY DOWN, and felt hopeless. But I started looking for natural solutions and taking my health into my own hands. I started taking cbd Suthe drops and drinking Mojo coffee every day. My mood has completely changed! After struggling with postpartum (feeling very down) for a year, I feel myself coming back. I never thought the natural approach would work, but I am so glad it did! I have new energy and focus. I feel like I’m connecting with my son all over again.”

Before and after photo of women after post partum and taking Tranont products

What do you think?