Please be kind. I’m not gonna lie, this summer I was L A Z Y. I was hot, and I was tired from a nerve-racking school year. But that’s NO EXCUSE for not taking care of myself. I had stopped taking my gut enzymes, eating healthy, and exercising. I was checked out and it shows!! The first pictures were taken on July 25. The new pictures were taken on September 1st! I’m nowhere near where I want to be, but I can tell you this! I feel so much better! I don’t feel as bloated or sluggish. I’m going to the bathroom regularly. Spoiler alert if you’re not going ? every day, something is wrong! I now go at least 2 times a day, sometimes 3. That means my body is eliminating waste! Dr. Griglione says. “Basically, the nutrients and micro-nutrients that keep us alive, like protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc., are absorbed into our bloodstream from the foods we eat, leaving behind the insoluble and non-digested ‘stuff’ that doesn’t get absorbed. That ‘stuff’ has to be eliminated.” My ENRICH gut enzymes have a prebiotic and probiotic!! Plus other ingredients that help my body! My ulcerative colitis is even in remission. I’m in NO WAY saying this stuff has cured me! I am in NO WAY trying to make any medical claims. But I’m just saying. Since starting these, my doctor told me my UC is in remission??♀️ Take away what you will.